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As a student, I have studied both art and psychology. In my opinion, the two often overlap. Artwork can offer insight into the way people think and interact with other people and the world around them. With my own artwork, I find myself examining subject matter that is personal to me, whether it is people who have influenced me or places and scenery from my past. Art for me has been a way to express myself and connect with the people and the environment around me. My intention is not  to leave a loud impression on the viewer, but rather to create a subtle thought or feeling of emotion embedded in an image to share with another person.


My current work is inspired from a recent research opportunity at a psychology lab. Part of my work involved investigating the idea of "object history." Object history is interesting in that it explains why people value some objects over others. It begins as early as a child with a beloved blanket, and continues over the span of adulthood. Consider the way in which people have collections or how they treat an otherwise ordinary object given to them by a loved one with great care. The way in which an item is rendered can suggest deeper meaning and significance than the object on its own. I am interested in exploring the idea of object history and possession and how different items are linked to specific memories and people. 

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